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Our School

Walnut Grove is a K-6 Elementary School offering two strands of traditional education in English and a strand of a Dual Immersion Program in Spanish. 


Vision Statement

Walnut Grove will earn the reputation for academic excellence by attaining significant and measurable academic growth each and every year. 

Mission Statement

The purpose of Walnut Grove School is to cultivate the characteristics of students who can ROAR in order to perform, create and innovate to achieve academic excellence and multicultural awareness. In addition, biliteracy/bilingualism for Dual Language Immersion Program students.

School Profile

Walnut Grove School opened in August, 2009, currently serving 554 students, grades K-6. The school is staffed with 30 teachers. Our student population is 84% Hispanic/Latino, 13% White, .02% African-American, with a free and reduced lunch rate of 76.1% and with 49.2% of our students English Learners. 5% of our students are enrolled in our Special Education Program.
Walnut Grove School is a K-6 school with less than 100 students per grade-level, giving the school a small community atmosphere where students feel connected.  In addition, Walnut Grove has a 50/50 Dual Immersion Program strand. Instruction is in Spanish and English at all grade levels. The Walnut Grove School Dual Language Academy is providing an enrichment program dedicated to building a student body that is bilingual, biliterate and multicultural. This is being achieved by providing a comprehensive core curriculum program paralleled with instruction in Spanish. Walnut Grove School is a “high-tech” school. Each student in grades 4-6th was issued a district chromebook to use for educational purposes through our 1 to Web Initiative. All other students have access through a chromebook through daily checkout.
Walnut Grove is also part of the No Excuses University Schools Network rooted in the following core beliefs:
1. Every student has the right to be educated in a way that prepares them for college.
2. It is the responsibility of educators to create six exceptional systems that makes college a reality. 
Staff is working diligently, continually monitoring student learning through assessment data and refining their instruction in order to give Walnut Grove School students the support they need to grow academically each year.  We are college bound!